Proper Care and Storage of Eyelash Extension
Caring for Your Materials and Supplies
Caring for your eyelash extension materials and supplies is a very important part of your business. After all, when materials and supplies are properly stored and cared for, they maintain their quality and that means that they make a better product. Additionally, paying attention to the proper care of your supplies ensures that you will be able to work in a sterile environment that is safer for your clients. When customers have a clean and satisfactory experience, they are more likely to return. How you treat your eyelash extension materials goes a long way toward quality experiences for your customers, and repeat clientele to keep your business strong.
Most eyelash extensions come in special holders, and it is important to leave them in their holders until you are ready to use them. This ensures that they stay dry and uncontaminated until use. It is a good idea to remove the needed extensions from the holder one at a time with tweezers to ensure the continued viability of the lash extensions that remain inside the small, round plastic holder. After removing the lashes from the holder and placing them on your palette (a makeup sponge works well for this purpose), discard any unused extensions for maximum sterility in your work environment.

Disposable plastic adhesive holders are great for making eyelash extension application procedures neat, clean, and safe. A small amount placed in the holder can remain moist for hours, and allow you increased work and cost efficiency. Additionally, it keeps you from having to try and use adhesive straight from the bottle, which can be tricky, unsterile, and look unprofessional. When storing the bottles of adhesive, note the dates on the bottle. Most adhesives have no more than a six-month shelf life, and the viability of the bonding solution can be compromised after that. Properly store all adhesives and be aware of when their shelf life is over. If you receive periodic shipments, make sure that you place the newer bottles of adhesive toward the back of your supplies and move the older to the front so that it can be used within the specified amount of time.
If you use lash combs and small application micro fiber brushes, these should also be properly stored. They should be stored in their own containers, with combs in one container and application brushes in another. You should try to avoid touching multiple utensils at the same time and they should be easy to get out of their containers. It is best to use disposable combs and application brushes so that you can throw them away, ensuring that each client has his or her own fresh utensils. Lash combs may also be given to clients to aid them in the care of their extensions.
When you practice good hygiene and storage practices with your eyelash extension supplies and materials, you ensure the quality of the experience, and help the client feel more at ease as your work environment appears neat, orderly, and clean. By maintaining the highest quality and by keeping the customer happy, you assure yourself a thriving business in the future.